Matters to be considered when sending a paper;

  • Papers will only be accepted through the online paper submission system.
  • Papers sent by e-mail will not be evaluated.
  • The congress language is English. 
  • Papers should be written in English.

Evaluation Process of Papers

  • Papers will be evaluated by the referees in the scientific committee of the congress.
  • Papers will be evaluated by double-blind peer-review process.
  • After the papers go through the evaluation process, the acceptance and rejection of the papers will be notified to the authors, and corrections will be requested when necessary.
  • Accepted papers will be presented at the congress and published in the congress proceedings. Authors can choose whether they wish to publish a full paper or only an abstract.
  • When uploading their papers to the system, authors will be able to choose the form of presentation as oral or poster paper. However, the way of presentation will be decided by the referees according to the evaluation result.
  • All correspondence regarding the papers entered into the system will be made with the author who uploaded the papers to the system.

Paper Presentation

  • Papers will be presented orally or as a poster.
  • Papers can be presented in English. 
  • Oral presentations will be prepared and presented electronically ( Just accepted PowerPoint 16/9 format ).

Oral Papers

  • The presentation time for oral presentations is determined as 15 minutes ( 12 minutes of presentation and 3 minutes of discussion ). It is important that the presentations are prepared in a way that does not exceed 15 minutes. 

Poster Papers

  • Poster papers should be prepared on a single page and should be 120 (width) x 80 (height) cm.
  • There should be the title of the paper at the top of the poster papers, the names of the authors under the title, and the institutional information under the names of the authors.
  • Click for poster template

Abstract Writing Rules

  • The page size of the manuscript should be A4 (210x297 mm). The left and right margins should be set to 2 cm (0.79 in) where top and bottom margins should be set to 2.2 cm (0.86 in).
  • Times New Roman is the default font type to be used in all manuscript.
  • The manuscript normal text size is 11 pt with 1.15 line spacing.  The text and paragraph should be justified and paragraph spacing should be 10 pt.